Monday, January 4, 2010

Need to Lose Weight...again

J and I have started walking this past weekend. This is my attempt to loose some of this weight gain. I need to start working on my eating/drinking habits though in order to take full advantage of this. For the past month, I have been back on the major coffee drinking every single day. Sometimes 2 cups a day! I don't add creamer to it, but add plenty of sugar. Sugar is what I need to cut out! So, I need to get on the green tea/black tea band wagon again minus sugar and omit pop and see if maybe I can scale back on the coffee. Sugar is your biggest weight gain enemy. I need to start eating fruits and veggies and lay off the starches! I love potatoes and bread, so maybe in just moderation. The weather has been decent enough to walk outside without being too cold. The goal is to walk 3-4 times a week at about 45 minutes to an hour each time. Our gym membership is going to expire very soon, so we will need to weigh our options about that. Should I get a bicycle? The only goal this time is to get rid of my November-December bulge. Just need to have this gone by wedding time, which means I'll have 3 months to shed 7 pounds :)

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