Are you familiar with Linda Cobb, AKA The Queen of Clean? If you're not, buy her books and read up! She tells you how to get rid of anything and everything, from kool aid stains, pet stains, hard water stains, rust, mold etc. Anyway, in her book: A Queen for All Seasons (A year of tips, tricks and picks for a cleaner house and a more organized life). She has a checklist you can use for cleaning your house for the entire year. I've actually created a list in Excel and printed it off to keep handy and check off once complete. Since I can't attach the spreadsheet to the blog, I've posted some of it on here for you to see a sample of. If you want the whole list, comment me and I'll email it to you!
Make beds
Put dirty clothes in hamper
Hang up clothes
Clean up spills
Wash dishes
Wipe counters and stovetop
Sweep floors
Dust hard furniture
Dust knickknacks
Do the laundry
Change sheets
Clean sinks
Clean showers and tubs
Clean the toilet
Clean bathroom mirrors
Empty trash cans, put out garbage (clean can if odors remain)
Sweep porch, patio and doormats
Twice Weekly
Vacuum carpets
Bi Weekly
Vacuum stairs
Dust TV/DVD/stereos, etc.
Mop floors
Make beds
Put dirty clothes in hamper
Hang up clothes
Clean up spills
Wash dishes
Wipe counters and stovetop
Sweep floors
Dust hard furniture
Dust knickknacks
Do the laundry
Change sheets
Clean sinks
Clean showers and tubs
Clean the toilet
Clean bathroom mirrors
Empty trash cans, put out garbage (clean can if odors remain)
Sweep porch, patio and doormats
Twice Weekly
Vacuum carpets
Bi Weekly
Vacuum stairs
Dust TV/DVD/stereos, etc.
Mop floors
Monthly, Quarterly, Annually and Twice a Year are left to complete the checklist.
Today's Temperature: 70*